In My Garden

In my little garden, okay it is more of a patio than a garden. At least the lack of grass would qualify it as a patio or yard. This doesn't stop me from trying to grow something to use in the kitchen. In the past few years we have grown peas and strawberries really well. So this year we have been growing tomatoes. We bought them as well established seedling and they were growing really well. My dear friend recommended cutting the lower leaves away and within the next week my good sized tomatoes plants turned into monsters! They have loads of flowers and even some little baby green tomatoes. I have 3 types of plants. A cherry, Italian and hybrid verity. My cherry has the most fruit.
We dont just have tomatoes either this year. We have already been enjoying the strawberries. C also has a special plant, a sunflower which he planted in school from seed. He is very proud of his sunflower which grows a little more each day.

On a sad note I do have a herb pot, which I love, and it had some beautiful lavender about to flower when my darling husband thought it needed cut back. Argh, so now my lovely lavender plant has no flowers. The lavender is on the far left looking rather small now. Also he cut the lovely purple flower that was on the sage plant. So I have learnt to keep the husband away from my herb pot!

Holiday Conundrum

My little family loves the holiday time together. Every year we have been camping to France and loved it. But every year we have the same problem, which campsite will we choose?? Seems a simple question doesn't it, well not in our house. We all have our requests that must be met. For the boys they want a pool, Papa wants somewhere modern, clean and most importantly quiet and me, well I just want some peace and quiet with good food near by.

Again this year we are having the ongoing debate about which campsite to choose. This year has a slight twist and it is that this year we will be camping in England, either Devon or Cornwall. I think we might have narrowed it down to just 2 sites to choose from. Riverside Holiday Park (a choice for the boys) and Treveague Farm (for me).

I have a funny feeling this year we will have the car packed ready to go and we still won't have a picked which place we will be resting ourselfs for the week!

World Cup Fever

Something very strange has happened to my little family. Over the last week they have been watching more and more footbal taking a keen interest in who is doing the best. Now you have to understand that rugby and motor racing are the only sports normally watched in my little home so this sudden interest in football is rather unusual.

Over the weekend we were camping just across the border in the Nederlands and this coincided with a match Japan and Holland. The boys, big and small, loved every minute. Of course Holland won 1-0. Packing up to come home the boys were playing football with their freinds and all we could here were 4 boys all shouting "Hup Holland" (Go Holland!), even little C was at it in the car on the way home.

As I type this my lovely husband is watching the current match of Brasil and Ivory Coast with the score being 2-0 to Brasil. I suppose for the next few weeks I will have to be a footbal widow or I could join them. So on that note Hup, Hup Holland!!!

Preparing for a Wedding ....

My beautiful sister is getting married in 1 month and 2 days time. Having the little ones it can be difficult to find a formal suit or clothes for them to wear for the occasion in Belgium plus for some odd reason I was over come with the desire to make something special for them to wear. Back in March time ( or there about) it really did seem like a good idea and as if by some magic spell or touch of destiny I already had a sewing magazine with the perfect little waist coat. It also had shorts with the outfit but being Northern Ireland (where the wedding will be) the weather won't be the most reliable for sunshine on that day. But I thought sure the shorts are easily made longer into lovely trousers.

True enough adapting the shorts to trousers was fine and I have the material all ready to be sewn and C's waist coat is ready to go I just have the buttons to find. Now my problems all started whenever I decided the babe and C would wear the same. No problem, oh how wrong could I be. First the pattern doesn't come in little Babe's size, oh dear oh, it is very complicated to resize a pattern for a little tiny person. But through many hours cursing and trial making I have done it.
Now by this stage I have lost the love of making these blessed outfits!! I think from now on I will just stick to the pattern given and knitting! Here is Little Babe's new manly vest freshly finished for when Autumn arrives. You can find it on Ravelry

Spring has Sprung!

Finally spring is here. As is some lovely warm weather, well above 10 is warm right! I feel the need for some flowers and spring creating to bring some of that loviness inside. Perhaps I will return very soon with some bright and cheery creatings!!